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Tuesday 12 February 2019

Send private keys and certs from the terminal

Today we’re pleased to announce Fluidkeys v0.4 😄

As well as pasting secrets, you can now send sensitive files like SSL certificates and private keys using end-to-end encryption.

Terminal showing sending a secret file to a team-mate

If you’re keen to get started, head to download.fluidkeys.com

Share sensitive files safely

In our 0.3 release we introduced sending secrets like passwords, API tokens and other credentials. These are pasted or piped into Fluidkeys.

You told us that certain types of secrets are fundamentally file-like and the filename and extension matter.

Now you can send files too:

$ fk secret send 2019-02-12-staging.pem --to paul@fluidkeys.com

The filename, 2019-02-12-staging.pem, is sent encrypted along with the content. The person receiving your secret sees that filename and can choose to save the file to a downloads directory. That saves them copy and pasting the secret into an editor.

Other changes in 0.4

Save or copy secrets

To save you copy pasting into an editor and choosing a filename, Fluidkeys offers to save file-like secrets:

$ fk secret receive
Save to ~/Downloads/2019-02-12-staging.pem? [y/n]

People using tmux in split-screen mode struggle to copy multiple lines. Fluidkeys offers to copy paste-like secrets to the clipboard:

$ fk secret receive
Copy to clipboard? [y/n]

Lots of interface improvements

Install and set up Fluidkeys in 2 minutes

We’ve heard from a number of teams that it’s time consuming to set up new starters with PGP.

It takes around 2 minutes for new users to install Fluidkeys, generate a PGP key, verify your email and start sending and receiving encrypted secrets.

Take the two-minute challenge

Things you should know

Files must be UTF8 text up to 10K

This release allows sending small text secrets. If you’re interested in sending binary files or other large files, we’d love to understand your use case. Get in touch with the email below.

Fluidkeys rotates your key each month

Fluidkeys creates a new encryption subkey each month for forward secrecy. It sets a short expiry on your primary key instead of relying on revocation.

Each month your updated public key is rotated and automatically uploaded to our server to ensure it’s available for others to find.

Fluidkeys stores your keys in gpg

Beware that Fluidkeys uses gpg to store its keys. If you delete a key from gpg, there’s no copy in Fluidkeys. We don’t modify the GNUPGHOME directory: we push and pull straight from your default gpg2 installation.

Using gpg means keys made by Fluidkeys will automatically work with anything else that uses gpg such as git for signing commits.

Future releases will introduce integrations to configure 3rd-party tools like git, pass, git-crypt

Fluidkeys stores your key’s password in your system keychain

In order to be able to rotate your key automatically, Fluidkeys stores the password to your private key in your system keychain. You can see these by searching for “Fluidkeys”.

Fluidkeys doesn’t use the public keyserver network

We chose not to use the public keyserver network until it supports deleting keys and cryptographic validation.

If you do want to upload to the public keyservers, make sure you automate it. Because Fluidkeys automatically rotates your encryption subkey every month, your key will quickly become out of sync with the keyservers. You could add cron task to upload your key regularly:

Edit your crontab by running crontab -e and add this line:

@daily gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --send-key <email address>

Fluidkeys fetches verified public keys from our server

When you install and set up Fluidkeys, you’re asked for your email address. Once you’ve verified it, others can send you secrets. You don’t need to manually exchange public keys.

Fluidkeys automatically fetches keys based on the verified email address and encrypts the secret to the key.

We use our own server to store public keys and transmit encrypted secrets.

Next release: Automatic Key Management for your Team

Our vision for Fluidkeys is bigger than sending secrets.

Fluidkeys will make PGP simple to use as a team, safely automating all the awkward configuration and key management. Then you can use all the great tools and technology that already exist and work together.

Specifically, Fluidkeys will:

Take a look at our roadmap to see our progress and our new preview site for a better idea.

And if you haven’t already, sign up for release announcements like this one!

Download Fluidkeys v0.4

On to business: head on over to download.fluidkeys.com to get started.

$ fk --help
Fluidkeys 0.4.0

Configuration file: /home/paul/.config/fluidkeys/config.toml
          Log file: /home/paul/.config/fluidkeys/debug.log

    fk setup
    fk setup <email>
    fk secret send <recipient-email>
    fk secret send [<filename>] --to=<email>
    fk secret receive
    fk key create
    fk key from-gpg
    fk key list
    fk key maintain [--dry-run]
    fk key maintain automatic [--cron-output]
    fk key upload

    -h --help         Show this screen
       --dry-run      Don't change anything: only output what would happen
       --cron-output  Only print output on errors

What do you think?

Please have a go and let us know how you get on!

We’re excited to hear from you :)

— Paul & Ian

Email hello@fluidkeys.com

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