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Simple PGP for engineering teams

Fluidkeys automates configuration and key exchange for your team.

It's simple to share sensitive data, safeguard your source code and use popular PGP tools.

A secure way to work together

Fluidkeys helps engineering teams adopt stronger software development practices.

Send secrets from the terminal

Send passwords, keys, tokens and personal information within your team. Everything's protected with open source, end-to-end encryption.

Rotate and update keys automatically

It's easy for new people to join the team. Fluidkeys creates a best-practice key and a new encryption subkey every month.

New keys are delivered to the team securely and automatically.

Learn about automating PGP for your team

Works with other popular tools

Fluidkeys can provision popular tools, synchronising keys and configuration for the team. Any tool built to work with GnuPG is even simpler with Fluidkeys.

Learn about integrations


Send and receive encrypted email in your browser.
Works with Gmail, Yahoo, and more.


Store passwords and other secrets with gpg and git. It's the standard UNIX manager for the command line.


Send and receive encrypted and signed email from Mozilla Thunderbird. Works with macOS, Windows and Linux.


Encrypt certain files in a git repository. Store secrets in the same repo as code.

Get started for free - strengthen your engineering team's security practices

  • You'll be safeguarding the team's source code
  • You'll be safely sending team secrets
  • You'll get all the power of PGP for your team